Young Stewards of our Watersheds
Grade 5
The banks of the Fraser River provide an outdoor classroom for this exploration of how water moves through our watershed.
Students learn how watersheds capture, store, and release water through the seasons, and how humans and wildlife benefit from these natural forces. A hands-on stream table demonstrates the power of rivers in moving vast amounts of sediment, creating deltas, gravel bars, and salmon habitat.
Contact us for more information about educational programs we can do for your group. Email our Outdoor Educator, Meg Turner at or call 778-837-7082.
Location: Watersheds of the Fraser and Skagit Rivers.
Grade: 5
Curriculum Overview: Watersheds Program: learning outcomes, pre-trip, field trip, post-trip.

Teacher Feedback:
“Again the watershed project was very well organized. Always tricky working around dates but your group was very flexible . . . I think it meets the needs of all learners. I had a difficult class but they seemed to be engaged and on task for the most part. There was a lot of visual stuff and hands on stuff which was terrific.”
“It was very well organized and the kids responded very well!”
“The props that you use are fantastic. They really motivate the students.”
“The Nestle water plant was a great tour. Students were able to see how the resource of water can be developed and shipped abroad. It also shows jobs available to them which ties into career education.”
“Lessons were well designed. Different types of learning were involved (auditory, reading, interactive) which I thought was terrific. ”
“The (Nestle Waters plant) tour is quite fascinating. One of the kids mentioned it was like the tv show “How do they do that?” but only they were there to see it. The tour takes them from the pond station where they see the water flow rate to the whole process of what is involved. Kids are fascinated that a small test tube like device can transform into a flexible water bottle. My class this year said they really enjoyed the tour.”